OpenVPMS ${pom.version} Release ========================== 1. Installation Notes 1.1 Requirements - OpenVPMS requires the following to be installed: - Java 1.6.x or higher See - MySQL 5.0.24a or higher See - MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver See - Tomcat 6.0 or higher See - OpenOffice 2.2.1 or higher See - MySQL: - should be on the same host as Tomcat - should accept connections on port 3306 - include the following lines in my.ini max_allowed_packet=16M innodb_file_per_table 1.2 Directory structure The OpenVPMS installation has a single top-level directory named openvpms-release-${pom.version} This will be referred to as in the remainder of this document. This directory has the following sub-directories: - bin contains a number of tool scripts used to load data into OpenVPMS - conf contains configuration files for the tools in bin/ - db contains MySQL SQL scripts to create the initial database - import contains data to import into OpenVPMS - lib contains jars used by the tools in bin/ - reports contains document templates for reporting - update contains data and scripts to migrate from earlier versions of OpenVPMS - webapps contains the OpenVPMS web applications 1.3 JDBC driver installation The MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver needs to be downloaded from: It is typically named or mysql-connector-java-5.1..tar.gz where represents the minor version number. The JDBC driver in the archive is named: mysql-connector-java-5.1.-bin.jar. This needs to be copied to: * the Apache Tomcat library directory: /lib * the OpenVPMS library directory: /lib In the above, refers to the directory where Apache Tomcat is installed. On Windows, this will be something like: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0 1.4 Database setup To create the OpenVPMS MySQL database, run the following in a shell prompt > cd /db > mysql -u admin -p < createdb.sql > mysql -u admin -p openvpms < db.sql NOTE: replace 'admin' with a user that has administrator priviledges in MySQL Next, run the 'dataload' script. This provides two options, 'base' and 'setup'. The former loads a base database setup in preparation for data migration. The latter contains a default setup suitable for a new installation. E.g: > cd /bin > dataload setup 1.5. Web application installation If you are upgrading OpenVPMS, the existing web application should be removed before installing the new version. To do this: 1. Shut down Apache Tomcat if it is already running. 2. Delete the directory: /webapps/openvpms 3. Delete the file: /webapps/openvpms.war To install the OpenVPMS web application: 1. Copy /webapps/openvpms.war to the /webapps directory. 2. Start Apache Tomcat if it is not running 2. Testing the installation To test the installation, open up your Internet Browser and enter the address: http://localhost:8080/openvpms/app Login to OpenVPMS using user admin and password admin 3. Subscription OpenVPMS relies on user subscriptions to fund development. Your subscription status is displayed on the OpenVPMS login screen. If you have not paid, a link to a payment page is displayed. On payment, a subscription key will be mailed to you. If you have a current subscription, you can request a subscription key be emailing a copy of your receipt to To update your subscription status, edit the Practice in the Administration -> Organisation workspace and upload the new subscription key. 4. Data Migration OpenVPMS doesn't directly support data migration from other veterinary practice systems. It does however provide a plugin for Pentaho Data Integration (PDI, aka Kettle) that can be used to get data into OpenVPMS. At this stage, only PDI 3.2 is supported. This can be obtained from: Extract this zip file to a directory. This will be referred to as . To install the OpenVPMSLoader plugin: 1. Extract /import/plugin/ to /plugins/steps/OpenVPMSLoader 2. Remove /libext/spring/spring-core.jar 3. Copy the OpenVPMS jars to libext/spring i.e. copy plugins/steps/OpenVPMSLoader/*.jar libext/spring/