Product - Standard Fees / YN
0.0 0.0 1000 1 1 N Y 5000 Y admin 2007/04/09 17:01:13.040 RxWorks MSACCESS ODBC RxWorks -1 Encrypted EXTRA_OPTION_MYSQL.defaultFetchSize500 EXTRA_OPTION_MYSQL.useCursorFetchtrue IS_CLUSTEREDN MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE10 PORT_NUMBER-1 STREAM_RESULTSY USE_POOLINGN Item Standard FeesSelect valuesY Filter MedicationMedication Standard pricesY Filter MedicationMerchandise Standard PricesY Filter ServicesFilter MedicationY Filter ServicesService Standard PricesY Transform fieldsFilter ServicesY Fee OptionsSelect values 2Y Select valuesSort rowsY Sort rowsMerge JoinY Select values 2Sort rows 2Y Merge JoinAdd sequenceY Add sequenceTransform fieldsY Sort rows 2Unique rowsY Unique rowsMerge JoinY Add sequence Sequence Y 1 none STDPRICEID N SEQ_ Y 1 1 9999999 448 141 Y Fee Options TableInput Y 1 none RxWorks select * from [Item] inner join [Item Service Fee Options] on [Item].[Item Code] = [Item Service Fee Options].[Item Code] where [Item Use As Standard Fee] = true 0 N N 52 295 Y Filter Medication FilterRows Y 1 none Medication Standard prices Merchandise Standard Prices N COMPONENTGROUP STARTS WITH constantStringDrug-1-1N 615 274 Y Filter Services FilterRows Y 1 none Service Standard Prices Filter Medication N N COMPONENTGROUP STARTS WITH constantStringProf-1-1N N OR COMPONENTGROUP STARTS WITH constantStringLab-1-1N 613 140 Y Item Standard Fees TableInput Y 1 none RxWorks select * from [Item] where [Item Standard Fee] <> -1 0 N N 54 138 Y Medication Standard prices OpenVPMSLoaderPlugin Y 1 none openvpmsSTDPRICEIDFROMDATE$ID<product.medication>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>fromDatefalsefalseMARKUP$ID<product.medication>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>markupfalsefalseMAXDISCOUNT$ID<product.medication>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>maxDiscountfalsefalsePRICE$ID<product.medication>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>pricefalsefalseNAME$ID<product.medication>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>namefalsefalseCOST$ID<product.medication>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>costfalsefalsetruetrue100 837 272 Y Merchandise Standard Prices OpenVPMSLoaderPlugin Y 1 none openvpmsSTDPRICEIDFROMDATE$ID<product.merchandise>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>fromDatefalsefalseMARKUP$ID<product.merchandise>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>markupfalsefalseMAXDISCOUNT$ID<product.merchandise>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>maxDiscountfalsefalsePRICE$ID<product.merchandise>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>pricefalsefalseNAME$ID<product.merchandise>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>namefalsefalseCOST$ID<product.merchandise>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>costfalsefalsetruetrue100 838 386 Y Merge Join MergeJoin Y 1 none INNER Sort rows Unique rows STANDARDID FEEID 374 140 Y Select values SelectValues Y 1 none Item Code ID -2 -2 Item Standard Fee STANDARDID -2 -2 Item Component Fee Group COMPONENTGROUP -2 -2 161 139 Y Select values 2 SelectValues Y 1 none Item Code FEEID -2 -2 Item Date FROMDATE -2 -2 Item Description NAME -2 -2 Item Markup MARKUP -2 -2 Item Maximum Discount MAXDISCOUNT -2 -2 Item Sale Price PRICE -2 -2 153 295 Y Service Standard Prices OpenVPMSLoaderPlugin Y 1 none openvpmsSTDPRICEIDFROMDATE$ID<product.service>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>fromDatefalsefalseMARKUP$ID<product.service>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>markupfalsefalseMAXDISCOUNT$ID<product.service>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>maxDiscountfalsefalsePRICE$ID<product.service>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>pricefalsefalseNAME$ID<product.service>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>namefalsefalseCOST$ID<product.service>prices[0]<productPrice.fixedPrice>costfalsefalsetruetrue1000 832 142 Y Sort rows SortRows Y 1 none out 5000 Y STANDARDID Y 264 140 Y Sort rows 2 SortRows Y 1 none out 5000 Y FEEID Y NAME Y FROMDATE N 261 294 Y Transform fields ScriptValueMod Y 1 none