Patient - Relationships / YN
0.0 0.0 1000 1 1 N Y 5000 Y admin 2007/04/09 10:47:10.000 RxWorks MSACCESS ODBC RxWorks -1 Encrypted EXTRA_OPTION_MYSQL.defaultFetchSize500 EXTRA_OPTION_MYSQL.useCursorFetchtrue IS_CLUSTEREDN MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE10 PORT_NUMBER-1 STREAM_RESULTSY USE_POOLINGN Select Owner fieldsFilter nullsY Filter nullsDummy (do nothing)Y Filter nullsPatient Owner OutputY Select Location fieldsFilter nulls and sameY Filter nulls and sameDummy (do nothing) 2Y Filter nulls and samePatient Location OutputY Patient Owner InputSelect Owner fieldsY Patient Location InputSelect Location fieldsY Dummy (do nothing) Dummy Y 1 none 380 62 Y Dummy (do nothing) 2 Dummy Y 1 none 383 407 Y Filter nulls FilterRows Y 1 none Patient Owner Output Dummy (do nothing) N N ID <> constantNumber0.0-1-1N N AND ID IS NOT NULL N AND CLIENTID <> constantInteger 0-10N N AND CLIENTID IS NOT NULL 382 143 Y Filter nulls and same FilterRows Y 1 none Patient Location Output Dummy (do nothing) 2 N N ID <> constantNumber0.0-1-1N N AND ID IS NOT NULL N AND CLIENTID <> constantInteger 0-10N N AND CLIENTID IS NOT NULL 383 306 Y Patient Location Input TableInput Y 1 none RxWorks select * from [Patient Location] 0 N N 50 308 Y Patient Location Output OpenVPMSLoaderPlugin Y 1 none openvpmsIDSTARTDATE<entityRelationship.patientLocation>activeStartTimetruefalseENDDATE<entityRelationship.patientLocation>activeEndTimetruefalseID<entityRelationship.patientLocation>targettrue<party.patientpet>$valuefalseCLIENTID<entityRelationship.patientLocation>sourcetrue<party.customerperson>$valuefalsetruetrue1000 645 305 Y Patient Owner Input TableInput Y 1 none RxWorks select * from [Patient Owner] 0 N N 56 147 Y Patient Owner Output OpenVPMSLoaderPlugin Y 1 none openvpmsIDSTARTDATE<entityRelationship.patientOwner>activeStartTimetruefalseENDDATE<entityRelationship.patientOwner>activeEndTimetruefalseID<entityRelationship.patientOwner>targettrue<party.patientpet>$valuefalseCLIENTID<entityRelationship.patientOwner>sourcetrue<party.customerperson>$valuefalsetruetrue1000 647 142 Y Select Location fields SelectValues Y 1 none Patient Number ID -2 -2 Location Moved To Date STARTDATE -2 -2 Location Moved Away Date ENDDATE -2 -2 Client Number CLIENTID -2 -2 193 306 Y Select Owner fields SelectValues Y 1 none Patient Number ID -2 -2 Owner Number CLIENTID -2 -2 Date Began Ownership STARTDATE -2 -2 Date Finished Ownership ENDDATE -2 -2 185 145 Y