Customer - Appointments / YN
0.0 0.0 1000 1 1 N Y 5000 Y - 2007/06/03 14:32:03.666 Text file inputFilter rowsY Filter rowsSelect valuesY Filter rowsDummy (do nothing)Y Select valuesAdd sequenceY Add sequenceTransform FieldsY Transform FieldsAppointment OutputY Add sequence Sequence Y 1 none APPOINTID N SEQ_ Y 1 1 9999999 459 111 Y Appointment Output OpenVPMSLoaderPlugin Y 1 none openvpmsAPPOINTIDNEWSTARTTIME<act.customerAppointment>startTimetruefalseNEWENDTIME<act.customerAppointment>endTimetruefalseREAS<act.customerAppointment>reasontruefalseREASON<act.customerAppointment>descriptiontruefalseSTATUS<act.customerAppointment>statustruefalseSCHEDULE<act.customerAppointment>schedule[0]<participation.schedule>entitytrue<party.organisationSchedule>$valuefalseAPPOINTID<act.customerAppointment>schedule[0]<participation.schedule>acttrue<act.customerAppointment>$valuefalseAPPTYPE<act.customerAppointment>appointmentType[0]<participation.appointmentType>entitytrue<entity.appointmentType>$valuefalseAPPOINTID<act.customerAppointment>appointmentType[0]<participation.appointmentType>acttrue<act.customerAppointment>$valuefalseCLIENTID<act.customerAppointment>customer[0]<participation.customer>entitytrue<party.customerperson>$valuefalseAPPOINTID<act.customerAppointment>customer[0]<participation.customer>acttrue<act.customerAppointment>$valuefalsePATIENTID<act.customerAppointment>patient[0]<participation.patient>entitytrue<party.patientpet>$valuefalseAPPOINTID<act.customerAppointment>patient[0]<participation.patient>acttrue<act.customerAppointment>$valuefalsefalsetrue1000 746 110 Y Dummy (do nothing) Dummy Y 1 none 214 217 Y Filter rows FilterRows Y 1 none Select values Dummy (do nothing) N N N DATE >= constantDate2006/01/01 00:00:00.000-1-1N N AND CLIENTID IS NOT NULL N AND PATIENTID IS NOT NULL 215 109 Y Select values SelectValues Y 1 none SCHEDULE -2 -2 APPTYPE -2 -2 DATE -2 -2 STARTTIME -2 -2 ENDTIME -2 -2 REASON -2 -2 STATUS -2 -2 CLIENTID -2 -2 PATIENTID -2 -2 368 110 Y Text file input TextFileInput Y 1 none N , " N
1 N 1 N 80 0 Y N N N DOS ${NETVET_DATA}\appoint.txt CSV None SCHEDULE String - -1 5 -1 none N APPTYPE String - -1 5 -1 none N DATE Date dd/MM/yyyy $ . , -1 10 -1 none N STARTTIME String $ . , - -1 10 0 none N ENDTIME String $ . , - -1 10 0 none N REASON String - -1 50 -1 none N STATUS String - -1 10 -1 none N CLIENTID Integer $ . , 0 -1 8 0 none N PATIENTID Integer $ . , 0 -1 8 0 none N 0 N N warning error line Y en_au 95 109 Y
Transform Fields ScriptValueMod Y 1 none