Patient - Visit Conversion / YN
0.0 0.0 1000 1 1 N Y 5000 Y admin 2007/04/09 12:20:17.563 archetypes MYSQL Native openvpms 3306 openvpms Encrypted 2be98afc86aa7f2e4a409ab7ec882a2c9 EXTRA_OPTION_MYSQL.defaultFetchSize500 EXTRA_OPTION_MYSQL.useCursorFetchtrue IS_CLUSTEREDN MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE10 PORT_NUMBER3306 STREAM_RESULTSY USE_POOLINGN conversion localhost MYSQL Native conversion 3306 openvpms Encrypted 2be98afc86aa7f2e4a409ab7ec882a2c9 EXTRA_OPTION_MYSQL.defaultFetchSize500 EXTRA_OPTION_MYSQL.useCursorFetchtrue IS_CLUSTEREDN MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE10 PORT_NUMBER3306 STREAM_RESULTSY USE_POOLINGN openvpms localhost MYSQL Native openvpms 3306 openvpms Encrypted 2be98afc86aa7f2e4a409ab7ec882a2c9 PORT_NUMBER3306 Visits InputSelect Visit FieldsY Transform Visit FieldsPatient Visit OutputY Select Visit FieldsFilter rowsY Filter rowsDummy (do nothing)Y Filter rowsTransform Visit FieldsY Dummy (do nothing) Dummy Y 1 none 324 241 Y Filter rows FilterRows Y 1 none Transform Visit Fields Dummy (do nothing) N N PETNUMBER IS NOT NULL N AND PETNUMBER <> constantNumber0.0-1-1N N AND TREATNO IS NOT NULL 324 134 Y Patient Visit Output OpenVPMSLoaderPlugin N 1 none openvpmsTREATNOTREATDATE<act.patientClinicalEvent>startTimefalsefalseSTATUS<act.patientClinicalEvent>statusfalsefalseREASON<act.patientClinicalEvent>reasonfalsefalsePETNUMBER<act.patientClinicalEvent>patient[0]<participation.patient>entitytrue<party.patientpet>$valuefalseTREATNO<act.patientClinicalEvent>patient[0]<participation.patient>acttrue<act.patientClinicalEvent>$valuefalsetruetrue 573 135 Y Select Visit Fields SelectValues Y 1 none PETNUMBER -2 -2 TREATNO -2 -2 TREATDATE -2 -2 WEIGHT -2 -2 TEMPERATE -2 -2 STATUS -2 -2 224 135 Y Transform Visit Fields ScriptValueMod Y 1 none