# # Version: 1.0 # # The contents of this file are subject to the OpenVPMS License Version # 1.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.openvpms.org/license/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the # License. # # Copyright 2013 (C) OpenVPMS Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # space.1 = & spaceBefore.1 = ( spaceAfter.1 = ) spaceAfter.2 = . startsWith.1 = Mac startsWith.2 = Mc startsWith.3 = d' startsWith.4 = ( startsWith.5 = ` startsWith.6 = " contains.1 = - contains.2 = ' contains.3 = 0 contains.4 = 1 contains.5 = 2 contains.6 = 3 contains.7 = 4 contains.8 = 5 contains.9 = 6 contains.10 = 7 contains.11 = 8 contains.12 = 9 endsWith.1 = 's exceptions.1 = von exceptions.2 = van exceptions.3 = de exceptions.4 = la exceptions.5 = da exceptions.6 = di exceptions.7 = PO Box exceptions.8 = La Trobe exceptions.9 = Macquarie exceptions.10 = GPO exceptions.14 = 1st exceptions.15 = 2nd exceptions.16 = 3rd exceptions.17 = 4th exceptions.18 = 5th exceptions.19 = 6th exceptions.20 = 7th exceptions.21 = 8th exceptions.22 = 9th exceptions.23 = 0th exceptions.24 = ADEC exceptions.26 = ALB exceptions.27 = ALP exceptions.28 = ALT exceptions.29 = APTT exceptions.30 = AST exceptions.31 = AVID exceptions.32 = B/D exceptions.33 = BIPS exceptions.34 = BNP exceptions.35 = BUN exceptions.36 = C/D exceptions.37 = CBC exceptions.39 = CCVHP exceptions.40 = CE exceptions.41 = CET exceptions.42 = CH exceptions.43 = CO2 exceptions.44 = CPK exceptions.45 = CRI exceptions.46 = CSF exceptions.47 = CSIRO exceptions.48 = D/D exceptions.49 = DAP exceptions.50 = DNA exceptions.51 = DOCP exceptions.52 = ECG exceptions.54 = EP3 exceptions.55 = EPO exceptions.56 = ET exceptions.57 = EZ exceptions.58 = FELV exceptions.59 = FHE exceptions.60 = FIP exceptions.61 = FIV exceptions.62 = FNA exceptions.63 = FP exceptions.64 = G/D exceptions.65 = G/P exceptions.66 = GBD exceptions.67 = GDV exceptions.68 = GGT exceptions.69 = GLU exceptions.70 = GPO exceptions.71 = GT exceptions.72 = GVO exceptions.73 = H/D exceptions.74 = HDS exceptions.75 = HK exceptions.76 = HM exceptions.77 = I/D exceptions.78 = ID exceptions.79 = IFA exceptions.80 = II exceptions.81 = III exceptions.82 = IM exceptions.83 = ISO exceptions.84 = IV exceptions.85 = J/D exceptions.86 = K/D exceptions.87 = L/D exceptions.88 = LDH exceptions.89 = M/D exceptions.90 = MC exceptions.91 = MID/KET exceptions.92 = MLK exceptions.93 = MPA exceptions.94 = N/D exceptions.95 = NIBP exceptions.96 = OB exceptions.97 = OFA exceptions.98 = P/D exceptions.99 = PCR exceptions.100 = PCV exceptions.101 = PDS exceptions.102 = PH exceptions.103 = PHOS exceptions.104 = PT exceptions.105 = R/D exceptions.106 = RBC exceptions.107 = RC exceptions.108 = RIFFT exceptions.109 = RJ exceptions.110 = RSF exceptions.111 = RTC exceptions.112 = S/D exceptions.113 = S/O exceptions.114 = SB exceptions.115 = SC exceptions.116 = SCI exceptions.117 = SPCA exceptions.118 = T/D exceptions.119 = TBIL exceptions.120 = TH4 exceptions.121 = TLI exceptions.122 = TP exceptions.123 = TSH exceptions.124 = TSH exceptions.125 = TTA exceptions.126 = TTW exceptions.127 = U/C exceptions.128 = U/C exceptions.129 = U/D exceptions.130 = UK exceptions.131 = US exceptions.132 = USG exceptions.133 = USP exceptions.134 = UT exceptions.135 = W/D exceptions.136 = X/D exceptions.137 = Y/D exceptions.138 = Z/D exceptions.153 = Macaw exceptions.154 = Mackeral exceptions.155 = OpenVPMS